My top 5 Morphe eyeshadow palettes
Posted on February 19 2018

Hi everybody,
Today’s blog post will be a quick update on my favorite Morphe eyeshadow palettes!
If you are addicted to makeup like me, you know that you often change your mind about products. Also, the more you become experimented, the more you know your needs and likes.
I decided to keep it to 5 palettes on this blog with a couple of honorable mentions!
5- Morphe 35T Color Taupe Eyeshadow Palette: This is a new discovery for me. I had it for a long time and never used it. Tried it for the first time a couple of months ago and fell in love. It has more bronze, mauve, and plum than pinks which I like. It’s super pretty, glamorous and chic!
4- Morphe 35R Ready, Set, Gold Eyeshadow Palette: This palette is amazing! If you like maroon and golds, this is for you! It’s pretty limited in the color scheme so it’s dedicated toward bronzy, brown shades lovers but I personally don’t mind. It’s perfect for every day and glam looks. A huge part of it is matte, so all matte looks are possible with many combinations.
3- Morphe 12NB Natural Beauty Palette: This is a cute small palette. I took it with on vacation and didn’t regret it. I had many compliments on my eye looks when wearing it. It’s right up my ally: warm!
2- Morphe 25A Copper & Spice: I took also this palette with me on my summer vacation. And I actually used it on my friend for her engagement party! It’s really versatile and will suits beginners as well as MUA.
1- Morphe 35F Fall Into Frost: This palette is so nice! I use to be really intimidated by cranberry & red shades. Youtube is full of those warm red tones eye tutorials that I love watching and never going to be able to reproduce them! :)
In the beginning, I was afraid to try it. Youtube is great but can sometimes make you feel bad about the lack of skills you have. It’s stupid but it’s my truth! :)
So, I finally decided to try it using only 3 shades (not the 5 or 6 you see on youtube) and was very pleased. A basic look can also be pretty. I generally use a cranberry shade on the lid, a transition on the crease and a little black or brown on the outer V. What I also like about this palette is that there are only 7 transitions shades and not a million. For beginners, it’s easy to make combinations with only switching up the shimmery lid color.
I also have 2 Honorable mentions:
The first one is for the Morphe 35OS Color Shimmer Natural Glow. This is a super pretty palette full of amazing brown, orange and copper beautiful shades! I love this palette. The only reason I didn’t mention it, is that it can be a little annoying to have an all shimmer palette for certain people. Personally, I don’t mind.
The second mention is the Morphe 35O Color Nature Glow. This is a well-loved eyeshadow palette. It’s beautiful and well arranged. I find myself not reaching to it as much as I want to. Frankly, I have many other warm/orangey palettes that I use more; Like the Makeup Revolution Vice Palette or the New-trals vs Neutrals.
Thanks for reading,
Myriam, @myriam_zm